Sunday, July 11, 2010

iPad: Document Sync app desperately needed.

There is a general problem with getting content onto and off of the iPad, now don't get me wrong its lightyears ahead of where the iPhone used to be, but its still cumbersome. Theres always some middle layer involved, its either a service on your computer, or some cloud based drop box style service that you have to upload things to and download from...

What I want is something stupid simple, so for all those people trolling my blog and taking notes on my ideas here it is. You right click on a file, send to, ipad. Done. Its now on your ipad via WiFi, or queue'd to go whenever the iPad is in range.

Once on the iPad you can open one app and select a file then use the open in function to open that document in whatever other application is relevant. The developer of this app wouldn't even have to bother with supporting whatever apps they would just need to deal with handing off the file to the ipad.

iAnnotate has a service for PDF files, but its very clunky and requires you to be clicking all the time. I would prefer a more active polling type app that syncs bi-directionally so I don't have to do anything... Some of the cloud based ones are really nice, like Memeo Connect (which I just discovered has a dektop app that you can use for 9$ a year which I might spring for), but it still requires that you open and sync, and that you upload to the cloud... all a bunch of extra steps I could do without... I'd even settle for having to put documents into a specific folder to have them get transferred... something, anything that lets me get the document to myself in a hurry before I go to my next meeting... any suggestions?

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