Friday, July 9, 2010

Carnival Cruise: Day 5

First of all, we didn't have strawberries... No they weren't out, and yes I could edit my previous post since I will be uploading these all at the same time, but I won't. I had planned on it, and failed in the execution of my plan... Luckily, it was a hardware problem, so it's someone elses responsibility.

Zip lining was hell a cool... We had a 30 minute bus ride up the often one lane roads to the back end of St Lucia, and we were "blessed" with 12 jeuvenile delinquents in the bus with us. Their chants of "we want to party" rang through the rain forest... I was impressed with my restraint through the 30 minute ride up and back, even if Jenn wasn't...

Once we arrived and started our tour we found out that three of the delinquents were in our group of 8, needless to say, I was ecstatic. One of them was the typical all talk hot shot that we all have to dealt with at some point in our lives, he was talking about how he wanted to do some base jumping and cliff diving and this zip lining was too timid for him... They were saving something for him... If I do this right, there will be a YouTube video below... Enjoy, I took a couple of clips of the experience, note the girly screaming, and then the girl who comes after... Love you babe!

One of our delinquents, Oscar, the video is tilted, some day I'll learn how to do this properly...

This video doesn't do Jenn justice, it stops before she drops but I will figure it out and fix it...

For those of you worried about zip lining, here, this is my holding a camera and zip lining, note, no screaming.. its really easy.

Zip lining as nowhere near as scary as people led me to believe, its basically sitting in a harness and sliding along a wire... If you can control yourself that's good, but even if you can't they keep you from slamming into the trees so really there is nothing to worry about. The show tonight was awesome, it was a musical medley from the 60's 70's and 80's. Jenn was in heaven. Tomorrow St Kit and no real plan as to what we will be doing...

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