Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: Day 9

Well 1 more day on zone 1 of the fitness regime, this morning (thanks to some late night homework *cough* Kyle *cough*) was really hard to get out of bed.. you know those days where the rain is pouring outside, and you think, bah I should call in dead... well I got up anyways, and did my routine.

Switched out the 2 lb weights for 5 lbs on the dumbell row and chest bobs (yeah not boobs) and it did make them more challenging so I'll probably hold onto that for tomorrow. My knees are giving me a bit of a problem on the lunges, and having trouble distributing weight on the correct leg to ensure they are getting exercised, but over all things are progressing nicely. I'm as surprised as anyone that I am keeping this up, both the blogging and the exercise, 1/3 of the way there, I'm sure day 11 will be amusing as the entire workout gets changed on me...

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