Tuesday, August 24, 2010

iMac: First impressions

I may have uttered the words, it might be too big, a couple of times...:)

This thing, is truly impressive, i went with the quad core i 7 2.96 ghz, 8 gigs of ram was the other upgrade. other than that, its basically straight out of the box. Apple delivers a truly easy to use experience, from a hard core 20+ year PC user, it was alarmingly easy to setup and get used to. The only thing I am struggling with a little is the tiny wireless keyboard... its about the same size as the ipad it seems, and I am having the same problems I have there, hitting the ' key instead of enter constantly...:)

Next trick, wall mounting this big bad ass bastard... oh and transferring all my files from the pc... was worried about that but its really simple. All you do is share the folder on the windows pc (keep in mind my windows pc is windows 7), then from finder you select go>connect to server (or %K) and type in the url (so http://computername) once thats done, you browse to the folder you shared and then drag and drop things over.

I have about 60 gigs of video and 20 gigs of pictures transferring over wireless, and it will probably be done by morning. There are a couple of annoyances out there as a mac user, but less than I expected. It might be the right time to make this leap, with snow leopard being built on the linux kernel it should be stable... I've only spent a couple of hours on it at this point, but so far so good, I am really loving how easy it was as a windows user to get in and get moving... much less bumbling around feeling stupid...:)

The 27" imac is so large you can watch a "full screen" movie, and browse two seperate internet sites without feeling squished... seriously its that big...

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