Friday, June 11, 2010

iPad: Pulse News Reader app reviewed

For those of you with RSS feeds this might be for you. I was using Feedler for awhile, and have yet to review that, but that was more for those people who like text based lists. The News Flash app takes not just RSS feeds, but almost any web site, and presents new articles on that site in a Thumbnail format.

Learning to use the app was pretty easy, the thing teaches its self and if you have a good old google account that your feeds are registered to, it sucks them in and lets you choose from there which ones you want on the dashboard.

It took me about 5 minutes to configure it, and another 5 to figure out how to move things around within it, but once I was done it reminded me of the BBC app, only instead of someone else plying your content you get to decide what is in it. The UI is nice, easy to use and understand, and it was nice to have all my feeds in one place that I can quickly review and scroll through to decide what I am going to spend my lunch reading.

For those of us with Wifi only, its missing something (same as all of them are) that it doesn't sync to allow you to review posts while you are offline. This would make it a much more dynamic app for me, despite being able to tether to my Blackberry I don't always want or need to be on the internet, so this would be a handy feature, however its not something any of the other feeders do currently either.

For 3.99$ its a good deal better than the free viewers out there, and it should be.

If you are one of the 8 people left on the planet who don't know what an RSS feed is, I'll post about it tomorrow. Its basically a way to let you monitor your favorite blogs and web sites, without actually having to go to the blog or website every day.. Keeps the add spam to a minimum.

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