Well still cutting my way through the hard mode of the campaign. Again, I'd recommend this as a second step if you are rusty from the original starcraft like me. If you give up easily on games, as I do, don't start on hard mode. If you are stubborn and can get through anything, start on hard mode and save yourself some time.
What I am finding with PVP and hardmode is, if you're not broke, you're doing something wrong... None of your factories or barracks should ever stop churning out people, if they do, it should be because you have no money... That is literally the only way to win on Hardmode... Some of the levels start deceptively easy, and then suddenly an overwhelming wave of badies hits you between the gonads and its all over... If you continue building the entire time, you can survive that wave of baduns and move on to the next level.
That, and be agressive.. The best defense is a good offense really applies here. As soon as you can scrape together 3-4 units, attack. Nothing makes the other guy panic and dig in (wasting resources) like being attacked. If you can constantly attack you can actually ignore defense, thereby allowing you to spend resources differently. Of course if he completely squashes your attack, and comes after you its over... You'll see a lot of the professionals take this track, and have nothing but mobile units for defense, they then attack and win, of course if you sneak in behind while they are attacking and drop off a ghost you can nuke them at will with no defenses to be concerned with.
Still a lot of fun, still learning how to play properly, still frustrated as hell when I lose...:) Its like PVP in wow, 20 minutes of hard core blood pumping action before a pivotal battle and death and destruction.... good times.
Anyone else playing? Am I talking to myself...;)
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