I was amused to read an article in the New york times about some guy who wants a roomate, preferrably mail, gay, and who doesn't own an iPhone. He was quoted as saying he didn't want to live with someone who sold his soul to Steve Jobs.
I wondered, does he have a computer? Likely a windows computer? Is that not selling your soul to Bill? Or does he consider himself having no choice since thats the defacto standard... Or is he one of the few, the proud, the painfully limping along on linux, and has a droid phone. I like the idea of open source, just not sure its at a level where I can feel comfortable climbing on board...
That being said I am buying a new computer in a couple of weeks, and after a lifetime of PC I'm going mac. That's right, you read that correctly. I am buying one of the "new" 27 inch iMac's and will be happy to give you my impressions of it, you couldn't stop me from doing it anyways so you might as well read about the trial and tribulations of a hard core PC lover (one asshat at work says I look like the guy in the mac comercials, and if I put on a bad suit and greased my hair down, he'd be pretty close...) to a new Mac owner.
The success of the iPhone and my love for the iPad have made me think this through, and since they changed macs so that they run intel processors and can share files and everything else with a PC, there's really no reason not to. Jenn's laptop, after 5 years, died, and Apple fixed it free of charge. In doing so, they broke her screen, and fixed that too. So she has an essentially completely new computer, all for free. Thats customer service... wonder if they will do the same for the imac...;)
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