OK so most of the people that read my blog are not gamers, so for those of you, sorry... check back in a month? I figure by then my ADD will have kicked in and I won't be as interested in Starcraft... as of right now however? This bus can't get me home fast enough...:)
Yes I'm lame, yes I need a real hobby, all that aside, anyone interested in what I think of Starcraft 2?
Its very similar to Starcraft of old, now admittedly I have only gotten through the first 4 scenarios so far, and already there are some interesting things going on, but still its not a brave new world with VR gloves, and weird interfaces, its all pretty similar. Blizzard brought in achievements from Wow, where they stole it from guild wars, who likely stole it from someone else. This brings an element of, hrm... I could have gotten 10 more points if no buildings died? Well hell the only building that died was that one bunker I put in the way, let me do the mission again...
What are achievement points for? NO CLUE! But I want lots of them so that when I do figure out how to get more of them I will. I haven't spent any time trying to figure out how to see what achievements I COULD get from a mission, just look at them when I am done and think, crap, is it worth another hour to get 10 more points?
The game is as fast paced as you remember, with the terrain having some fun new things like rocks that block the back of your base, and then on night two the bad guys break through and all of a sudden flood into your base from behind where you have no units to protect you... THAT was some good times.... Learn to look around, gather resources as always, but explore the map. There are lots of free goodies lying around, pallets of gas and minerals everywhere for the taking.
One neat intro was the "talent" tree that you get for Zerg and Protos as a human. You gather research points by doing the side missions, each mission tells you ahead of time how many possible points you can get, and the tree is set up so that at each level you can only learn one of the two options. When I selected the first one I thought I was locking myself into that side of the tree, thankfully no, but each side is similar in appearance.
Over all, a good spend, I suspended my Wow account so that I could pay for this, figuring I would be so entranced by it that I'd not log ito wow anyways, good gamble it would appear. I will post reviews on some of the more complicated levels later... once my hands stop shaking...
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