The long weekend, and a broken car, gave me a lot of extra time to look for and download games. As a direct result you are being penalized with new reviews...
Rosewell is a classic shooting game, you are a daredevil pilot flying through alien infested area 51 shooting down airplanes. Navigation is controlled by dragging your finger around the screen with a plane following your every move. I played it on normal difficulty, which was a little too easy. I completed the game in about 30 minutes, but during that time I had a very hard time putting the game down (I also had a blister on the end of my finger as I found myself dragging my finger around more forcefully than needed)
Fire control is not required, like the classic arcade games of old you are always shooting. There are power ups as you blow away various bad guys, ranging from the little stars that power your super weapon, to a nuclear bomb that you can drop to destroy everything on screen.
In every sense, including a trip to outer space when the aliens destroy earth, this is a classic of it's genre. If only I could remember what this genre is called...:) well worth the $1.99 I paid for it, the only minorly annoying thing was that whenever you would start a new level late in the game, your plane would be frozen until something crashed into you, but past that the game is awesome.
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