I found something interesting over the couple of days, interesting and maybe useful who knows. The iBook app seems to cache the chapter you are reading in memory. So what right? Some of the books out there are not formatted correctly so that when converted from one format to another using a program like Stanza, you end up with a 500 page chapter... This is very noticeable when that happens. Opening iBook freezes for about 45 seconds, changing orientation also freezes for 45 seconds while presumably the system is drawing the loading the contents of the chapter.
Nothing earth shattering, and certainly not something you will find a problem with when you bring something ion from the regular book store, but if you are loading books in from, let's say another source, then its something to keep in mind...
Stanza was recently purchased by amazon, so if you haven't downloaded the converter already, you might want to soon before they take it offline. You can convert most formats to the popular ebook easer formats. Epub seems to work well with the iPad, its possible others do, but when I found one that worked I stopped looking...
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