OK well lets just say, that taking 10 days off from any exercise routine is a bad plan. And that if you are going to do so, trying to pick back up where you left off, increases the bad plannedness (its a new word, look it up) exponentially.. This morning, I jumped back to Cycle 2, and I wanted to die... Jillian says, I want you to feel like you are going to die, mission acomplished. I couldn't finish the cardio on phase 3, I just sat on the couch trying to avoid passing out, watching the skinny bitches have at it... just couldn't do it.
I almost passed out in the shower after the fact, yeah, not my finer moment... but I'm back on the wagon, scary thing is that 3 days from now I should move to Cycle 3... we'll see how likely that is all things considered. My 30 day shred might extend to 40 or so to ensure I finish the CD...
My friend at work is going to try out the CD as well and I'd be interested to hear back from anyone who also started up on this excellent road trip... how are you holding up? Have you been consistent?
Couldn't walk DOWN stairs or get up from a sitting position the first week of level 1...
"wanted to die"...hilarious, I was SO there!
Didn't enjoy level 2 or 3...it's not for the uncoordinated. I stick with level 1 to warm up, then run 2-3 miles on the treadmill.
Way to stick with it...if you're doing level 2 or 3, you totally have my respect! :)
Yeah level 2 is definately not for the uncoordinated... When you are doing that skii jump warm up maneuver (whatever the hell they call the one where you are swinging your arms around like a drunk while jumping and rotating) is for the birds...
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