Thursday, January 14, 2010

Now I have an excuse to drive erraticaly

So after 18 months of being in NJ I finally managed to get my car plated... The process involves importing your car at the jfk airport where they validate that you do in fact own the car, and it is the car you said it was, and it meets epa standards (which is a letter you have to get from the manufacturer for 85$).

The whole process was long but relatively painless. I took the 1 hour drive from the house, and spent 1 hour driving around the airport looking for the building. Anyone who works at jfk or knows someone who does, tell them to imrpove the signage... Its really pathetic.. Anyways I arrived at noon, just in time for lunch break... When I got back at 1, the process was completed as there was no line, and I was back on the road at 115.

Over to jersey dmv, again no linean out of there at 245... So an entire day shot, just to get two bits of metal to put on my car...but now at least my crappy driving will be put up to, well he's from new jersey.

Jillian Michaels 30 day shred: I quit.

I timed this really poorly is what its coming down to. As a fat mostly lazy guy I'm taking advantage of every opportunity to get out of exercising to the point that I can't honestly say I am doing the shred anymore. Its been about a week since the last time I exercised and I have quite simply fallen out of the routine I was in. Holidays and sickness stopped me from completing this, that and a lack of will power.

I'm going to modify my routine and start 3 days a week next week to try and keep it going, but the shred is over and so is the blogging about it. I know a lot of people were reading this and keeping up, some people even began the routine as a result of my taking the plunge, carry on and don't take my bad example to heart, stick it out as long as you can it gets easier the more days in a row you do it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred: Day 17

OK well lets just say, that taking 10 days off from any exercise routine is a bad plan. And that if you are going to do so, trying to pick back up where you left off, increases the bad plannedness (its a new word, look it up) exponentially.. This morning, I jumped back to Cycle 2, and I wanted to die... Jillian says, I want you to feel like you are going to die, mission acomplished. I couldn't finish the cardio on phase 3, I just sat on the couch trying to avoid passing out, watching the skinny bitches have at it... just couldn't do it.

I almost passed out in the shower after the fact, yeah, not my finer moment... but I'm back on the wagon, scary thing is that 3 days from now I should move to Cycle 3... we'll see how likely that is all things considered. My 30 day shred might extend to 40 or so to ensure I finish the CD...

My friend at work is going to try out the CD as well and I'd be interested to hear back from anyone who also started up on this excellent road trip... how are you holding up? Have you been consistent?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New YEAR! Time to work off the Christmas stuffing...

While most of my co-workers have complimented me that I seem to be melting away, I feel like I am stuffed from the Christmas goodies my parents sent us home with, so time to get back on the exercise wagon.. I'll restart my Jillian shred tomorrow (backing up 3 days or so on Round 1) and get back to posting. Jenn also bought me one of the other DVD's from the biggest loser collection that I will sample and let you know at some point (probably this weekend).