Well well well, half way there... Honestly didn't think I would make it this far, and there have been moments where I was pretty sure I was done. This morning was one of those moments, with Jillian kicking my ass at 5am, and no weight loss to show for it I began to wonder why I am doing this.
Then I thought back to yesterday, where Kyle and I were outside shoveling the driveway. 6 inches of snow (pshaw you canadians say, well shutup) and we got started later than most of the neighborhood. I was secretly racing against the guy across the street with the snowblower, and the funny part is, we won... I ended that day, without the usual litany of aches and pains that I usually have from shoveling... I felt fine. Its a very subtle change, but I find I have more endurance than previous, I can exercise longer without falling into a quivering heap on the floor (though I do eventually...) and over all its a very positive experience.
I have found I am toning up, and I am sure if I had done this exercise twice a day instead of just once, I'd be even that much farther along... however something inside me refuses to exercise with an audience, hence the 5am exercises and not wanting to go to the gym... All my friends who do exercise, are telling me take it slow, ease yourself into it, you're doing fine. All my friends who don't exercise are laughing at the 2lb weights, and asking me if I worked out this morning when i reach for a bun at lunch... funny bunch of friends I have, seriously...
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