OK so it should come as no surprise that I am a gadget junky... I'm sure those of you who know Jenn have heard the many tales of my purchases... I bought a laptop back when they were ridiculously expensive, bought an Iphone when you couldn't use them in Canada (successfully hacked it, used it for a month, and ended up with a HUGE cell phone bill, now use it as no more than a glorified i touch) I'm a geek, and proud of it...
My most recent infatuation is a star trek type tablet PC. I spend 3-4 hours a day on a bus going to and from work, and while the Iphone is nice, its small and you have to deal with itunes to get stuff onto and off of it. Some of the stuff I watch doesn't work with itunes, for one reason or another... What I really want (don't need, I know better than that, I want it) is something like this....
Thats Archos's new tablet PC, it runs windows 7 (yeah well if mac would finally come out with their tablet PC I might consider them instead) and looks super sexy... Also its not retardedly expensive at around 600$... (http://www.archos.com/products/nb/archos_9/index.html?country=us&lang=en) Now.... I don't have 100$ to rub together at the moment, but if I can hold off my crazy impulse buy tendancy until I can actually afford this baby it would be cool! Maybe everyone I know will get together and buy it for me for xmas, who knows...:)
I came up with this crazy idea while I was sitting here waiting for my next meeting, why don't laptop manufacturers come out with upgradeable laptops... I know what you are going to say, they don't do it because they want to sell more laptops, but a lot of people don't buy laptops because they can't upgrade them.... Food for thought, what if you could upgrade the video card, and CPU to a certain extent, what if the card was in a compact module like the hard drive that could just be unscrewed and replaced... The next step would be to replace the screen as well, which is possible now if you drop it, but it would be important to be able to replace it with a better one... though not as important...
Anyways Dell/IBM/Cisco executives that read my posts avidly looking for technological advances, have at it, idea is all yours, just send me an email when you are done so I can buy one!
Off to another meeting...
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