Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ok so maybe not every day...

Well I claimed I would write every day, here we are day three and I probably wouldn't be writing now except jenn is out talking to an elementary school friend so I am abusing this time to clean out my in box, and write you all.

Our first day started as most of my trips do, I couldn't find my passport, so the kids and jenn were in the car, at 5 am, while I frantically tried to remember what really safe and totally non obvious place I put my passport... That ended fine, we got to the airport and on to our plane with no issues.

Once we got through the magical express and to our resort we couldn't check in because our room wasn't ready, nor was our luggage here... So we chilled and looked at the flamingos, Gavyns new favorite creature, and generally just enjoyed the 70 degree weather. Around 230 our room was ready and magically our luggage was here.

By the time we were all cleaned up and ready to face the world it was 4, so we hung out in the pool for a couple of hours and ate at the boma buffet for dinner. Now this buffet is the best I have ever eaten at in my life, the service is awesome, the food is all really good, and the spit screens are really big... Of course I have been sick for 2 days, but doubt that is related.

Second day was threatening rain, so we got up extra early and took full advantage of the extra hour we get in the park due to staying on site. Before I forget again, the meal plan is way worth it. One dinner would cost us 170 without tip without the plan. With the plan, its free. We hit the animal kingdom the second day, didn't get to see it all but did go on a couple of cool rides. Gavyn has decided he will not do any rides, so that's been entertaining. On the plus side the older two get to ride each major ride at least once.

We took the animal kingdom safari, a moderately over priced ride through the various sevannahs along with what felt like a 8 course meal. The ride was fun, got some pictures I never would have otherwise. Jenn tried to convince me that the tour was better because it was raining (yeah nice truy babe).

Today was magical kingdom day, and it certainly is. Some rides have bot changed since the early 80s when I was here, others are completely new. Space mountain is a bone jarring vomit inducing nightmare, and the safari is full of animatronic silliness. A good day was had by all, especially kyle who turned 14.

14, I still vividly remember grade 8. When the cool kids built a bonfire in math class when the substitute teach wasn't looking... Clearly proving that he was not cut out for teaching. I remember the three girls I dated in grade 8... One of whom was in grade 10... Yikes, doubt I am ready for kyle to start dating.

Anyways have blathered on long enough, more to come I am sure.

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