Friday, November 12, 2010

What is it about a car that makes people feel so alone?

On the bus on the way home being amazed at how very many people are texting and driving.... When I see something I wish I hadn't..

Don't people realize that in a car, you are surrounded by 360 degrees of glass, and people? If you wouldn't do it in an elevator (don't get me started on things people do in elevators that they shouldn't) then you shouldn't do it in your car...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Zaggmate iPad Keyboard case, best of both worlds?

There have been a lot of clamshell cases that have come out over the lst couple of months that made me wonder, why buy an iPad if you are going to carry it around with a keyboard all the time... Since then however Jenn's been bed ridden, and I've been increasingly frustrated with trying to use my iPad as a complete computing solution. Logmein is good, but annoying without a keyboard, the constant scrolling etc, is irritating so this case actually looks appealing to me.

To be honest, I am still not sure if I want to make fun of it, or buy it... what do you all think? Given that I bought the iPad, and don't have an option to buy the new Mac Book Air (which is thinner than the iPad btw) this might be a good direction to go in...

This comes from my favorite blog out there for all things iPad: