Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Home for the holidays

Well its that time of year again, we've been listening to christmas carols since Halloween and the time is almost near where we can say good bye to those horrid songs and move back into the real world. I get to spend 10 days at home, due to a very nice boss, this christmas. Jenn has decided she wants to be martha stewart again and invite everyone over for dinner on christmas day. She always makes a fantastic spread, but I don't get to see her for the entire day, so it will be Dad waking the kids up at 5am to open their presents (yeah you read that right, Dad wakes the kids up) and then off to the kitchen for much chopping and cooking until everyone shows up at 5pm.

That means that I have to solo clean the house!! I hate cleaning, not sure anyone likes it, but I hate it. It shows too, since I do such a crappy job at it. Maybe I'll make Kyle and Tristen do some of it… on christmas day… The Grinch is calling he wants his hat back. Christmas is a very stressful time of year, and with the economy the way it is apparently shop lifting is up 60% since september. If someone you know and love had to steal your present so they could get you something, would you feel as good about receiving it? Give the person something heartfelt and home made, cookies whatever, and tell them look, I wanted to get you the PS3, but I can’t afford it since I lost my job. Of course it would be hard to stuff a PS3 down your pants and walk out a store, but you get the point.

Our house is usually a zoo on Christmas, we over do it every year. Last year (or year before I am sure Jenn will correct me) we bought computers for everyone. Yeah definitely the year before, last year was Gavyn, anyways the tv room had a pile of gifts in it that was about 4 ft high, and 5ft around. You couldn’t even see the tree. Did the kids appreciate it all, no. They loved their computers, but I think we still have one of the gifts we bought downstairs in its box, unopened for 2 years. It is however nice to be able to buy the boys whatever I want whenever I want. I am sure it will not last forever, but while it does I spoil my boys because I love them, and can't be with them as much as I want to. Even when I am with them I don't know how to be with them, some bagage there I know but I'm working on it.

Tristen has gotten closest to me because he reminds me of me, and he plays WOW. We leveled a character together until I was having too much fun and instead of waiting for him kept playing. I quickly pulled too far ahead for us to play together anymore and he's been struggling ever since. Bad dad in the works.

Enjoy your holidays, put the crackberry down for a couple of days and spend time with your loved ones doing whatever it is that they want to do, instead of what you want to do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Joys of holiday travel

Well its been awhile huh. I could lie and say I have been busy, but apart from the go live that went smoother than anything I have ever done in the past, I haven't really been doing anything... Not true, I have been heavily investing in my mage persona in world of warcraft...>.<

I poke fun at people who play sims and are so enamoured with that game where they are essentially building a social network and life for what? If you invested half as much time in your own life as you do in the game I am sure you would find it improving too. But anyways, holiday travel, what a treat... I went home to montreal this past weekend, left on turkey day eve, came back on sunday... They say that the day before thabksgiving is the single busiest travel day of the year. I believe them now. The trains from ny penn station were sardine cans... The line to buy a ticket for a train was easily 2 hrs long... Luckily I'm a rebel.... Don't tell the sheep standing in line, but you can buy a ticket on the train!! Skipped the ridiculously long line and withing 6 minutes of entering the station I was on a train headed to the airport, good start to the weekend!

Spent four awesome days with jenn and the boys. Went to the "bugtarium" to check out all manner of creepy crawlies. We promised the kids several outings this summer, but as usually happens summer got away from me and we didn't do most of them. But we are going to disney so hopefully that will make up for it. I try and avoid making promises unless I know I can keep them. That way the boys know where they stand. Yes means definately, maybe means no, no means I can't believe you even asked...;)

Even though things are a little weird right now in our living arrangements I still feel incredibly lucky to not only be married to the most amazing woman on the planet, and have three of the best boys I've ever met, but I am also working for a pretty cool lady too, who gets that this is a strain and sticks her neck out in these financially tenuous times to fly my sorry can home so I can be with my family.

So even though I almost never show it, I do appreciate it, comes from being a guy...